četvrtak, 29. svibnja 2014.

marko called me last night

<3 <3 <3

need to make food for tommorow

going..up in the woods

living off the land

no choice left

in the abundance of water the fool is thirsty

my little 9yearold me

moja urođena potreba je voljeti i biti slobodna

a ne biti voljena

trkaćeg konja hraniš kolačima i vinom

understand the object of your desire rather that pursuing it

with only 25 bucks for 25 days

i need chocolate, toilet paper, feminine products, potatoes, a bag of soil...

living openly and seeing the dictator
seeing the one that freaks out on little things
the one uncapable of being present, my own self
and therefore need to be alone

and my only protection is being myself

i give myself the freedom to think my own thoughts, follow my own path, my own desires and tastes.