ponedjeljak, 21. srpnja 2014.


im waiting for blood
and for my cellphone to charge
1,30 h more work
and then i finally wash my hair and start arrangeing my apartment
im gonna become a beautiful lovely clean girl in 10 days

classic, expensive, you dont get to touch ow!

Being super fabulous, barbara, can only come from being a super you.

And being a super you pretty much comes from using me, constantly.

Life is easy,
    The Universe

 What if everything was not only working out just fine, barbara, but today, as things are, you're actually way ahead of plan?


Everything adds to you,
    The Universe

 barbara, here's a clue on how to know when new experiences, like you've never experienced before, are about to transform your life, even though nothing seems to be happening.

For the first time in your life, even though nothing seems to be happening, you start saying and doing things that you've never said or done before.

Oh yeah,
    The Universe

zalila sam rozice i sad pada kisa

havent had coffee yet. only green tea and a litre water
blueberries, banana, almond butter
poppy cake w peach
quinoa rice salad

subota, 19. srpnja 2014.

broken hearts boys leave for festivals

its my opportunity
he wants to show me magic on all fours and says it maybe wouldnt ever end
so hot
how do i earn what i want? today focusing on myself
and knowing my hearts desires. oh im wounded again how nice and i want lemon to sunbathe it
stop the hurting please i wanna face it

utorak, 15. srpnja 2014.

lia is sick :(

    The experiment has been a success, barbara.

You can now tell everyone you're a SUPERCOOLHAPPYLOVETHING to whom no limits apply.

    The Universe

barbara, you are exactly as you now are - with your every mannerism, challenge, and trait; skill, talent, and strength - because before this life began, at the height of your glory, with full awareness of your divinity, reach, and magnificence, you knew best the choices that would maximize this adventure. Bad hair and all.

Trust yourself, barbara. You chose superbly, and though you may not see it yet, you've already mustered the courage you had to muster, faced the fears you had to face, braved the storms, fought the battles, and exceeded every expectation you ever had for being the kind of person you hoped you'd be. 

Look how much you have, barbara, look how far you've come, look how fast it happened, and, you have to admit, how easy it was. All in spite of your fears, worries, and self-doubts.


ivano ivani

Nothing heals, helps, cures, mends, builds, clears, stabilizes, fixes, balances, restores, corrects, inspires, enables, empowers, enlightens or tickles, barbara, better than the truth.

Ask for it by name,
    The Universe

 Everything in your life, right now, barbara, is awesome. Everything is in its right place, under grace, and whether or not this makes perfect sense yet, one day it will. And the time swiftly approaches when you'll be exceedingly grateful for all that has brought you to this day and contributed to who you've become, because it is exactly that person who is now poised to live as you have always dreamed you would one day live. 

 barbara, it's not really a matter of feeling worthy of love, friends, health, or wealth. Or of appreciating what you already have. Or even of learning to love yourself. These don't have to come first. You don't have to wear a halo to manifest the changes you want.

It's simply a matter of understanding that if you do your part: visualize, prepare the way, and act "as if," without looking over your shoulder for quick results, what you want must be added unto you... as will the feelings of worthiness, appreciation and loving your most lovable self.

You were pre-qualified,
    The Universe

i have the best job

When you get to a place, barbara, where you're seeing the positive in others more than the negative, it means you're doing the same for yourself.

You amazing, wondrous vessel of spontaneity, creativity, beauty and strength -
    The Universe

 When you spend money, barbara, whether a little or a lot, wisely or not, do you celebrate that you're creating opportunities, dancing with life, exchanging energy, supporting economies, feeding families, lessening poverty consciousness, demonstrating courage, validating life, eradicating fear, inviting magic into your life, and lifting humanity higher into the light?

I thought so.

Let's pop some tags -
    The Universe

There was a time in the life of every hero, champion, master, and tycoon, barbara, when they said to themselves, "I will not wait any longer."

And no matter how near or far away their dream then seemed, they began to take action, every day, no matter what.

No matter what,
    The Universe

you dont know the half, this shit get real

I said, "Yes!" barbara, when you first thought of it.

"Now!" when you first asked.

And, "Hallelujah! So be it! Coming right up!" when you first gave thanks in advance...

Believing in you,
    The Universe

 Sometimes, it's easy to forget that you always have options, barbara.

That your power has remained intact.

And that everything, up until now, has just been practice for the really, really good stuff.

    The Universe

ponedjeljak, 14. srpnja 2014.

head over heels

It's like, all those really good thoughts of yours, barbara, that have NEVER become things, are simply gathering, mingling, and growing like compound interest, until there are just enough to burst into your life, beautiful floral gardens and flowers and ponies flying in every direction, hushing naysayers and finally convincing you of how much you're loved.