Nothing heals, helps, cures, mends, builds, clears, stabilizes, fixes, balances, restores, corrects, inspires, enables, empowers, enlightens or tickles, barbara, better than the truth.
Ask for it by name,
The Universe
Everything in your life, right now, barbara, is awesome. Everything is in its right place, under grace, and whether or not this makes perfect sense yet, one day it will. And the time swiftly approaches when you'll be exceedingly grateful for all that has brought you to this day and contributed to who you've become, because it is exactly that person who is now poised to live as you have always dreamed you would one day live.
barbara, it's not really a matter of feeling worthy of love, friends, health, or wealth. Or of appreciating what you already have. Or even of learning to love yourself. These don't have to come first. You don't have to wear a halo to manifest the changes you want.
It's simply a matter of understanding that if you do your part: visualize, prepare the way, and act "as if," without looking over your shoulder for quick results, what you want must be added unto you... as will the feelings of worthiness, appreciation and loving your most lovable self.
You were pre-qualified,
The Universe
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