subota, 4. listopada 2014.

skeč sa slavonskom tamburicom

so, today is a first major breakthrough day!
im actually starting to like this thing im working on and hope he doesnt call today.
like, what? hahah!
biting so hard

my back is so sore from the maniac digging ive been through in the garden and the colony
today for some more
need to pluck out so much weed im almost demotivated ahaha
but no, ill pick the carrots and the beetroots for juices and salads
my cucumber...oh god

im reading the most amazing book, emotional yoga
it is exactly what i need
and jasna will provide me with a stručna knjiga about shame.

i wrote a poem; last night

maruni padaju
auti prolaze
i imaju svjetla
ljudi otvaraju
zatvaraju vrata
proizvode glasove
imaju ključeve
maruni padaju svako malo

its a poem about me waiting and listening to every sound and hoping its him.

odsutstvo zudnje
uskladivanje zelja

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