subota, 25. siječnja 2014.

i beat stane zar ne, i pjesma prodje zare ne? sve prolazi sve

gonna take out my leg hair now
a big glass of water, new himalayan salt and make up pads
honey on its way
sun shining, wind blowing
amazing day

smoked before bed last night and
since ive been alone i have been sleeping weirdly
passing out with the heat on and with raymond
waking up 2 am and then 5 or 6
still friday-conditioned and being a flaky friend
but i accept myself just the way i am and i am ready to change
since change is inevitable

found 2 kns in school and got shitloads of toilet paper
no quinoa till february
had the car , and have the car still!
granpa had a heart attack so thats why

made 11 necklaces that ill photograph today
rabiosa egoista pitbull

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