četvrtak, 23. siječnja 2014.

i want to smile more

i want to smile more and i wanna heal my face
i want that love i keep hearign about
the cleanse was more than great,
first the body: coffee, sugar, alcohol, fried foods and bread are gone
than the mind: frequent meditations after yoga practices for the body
lots of working out and lost of water / tea
and then, finally, the soul: im alone for two days now. alone for real. and its new, its funny.
im still getting used to all that
got invited to marins birthday tommorow, but i doubt ill go.

i can see summer now, swimming each day, reading at work and doing crafts at night
Acceptance: to accept differences in myself, others, life etc in a non-judgemental way
Adventure: to be adventurous; to seek new unfamiliar experiences  
Assertiveness: to stand up for myself and others calmly and with respect, stand my ground with confidence not arrogance
Challenge: to attempt things outside of my comfort zone in order to grow and learn
Courage: to be brave enough to face of threats, challenges, fears or the unknown.
Creativity: to create and innovate.
Curiosity: to be curious about ourselves, others and to explore the endless opportunities around us.
Empathic/Empathetic:  see things from other’s points of view
Fairness: to be equitable and open-minded in dealings with myself or others.
Fun: to be fun-loving; to seek, create, and engage in fun-filled activities
Generosity: to be generous, sharing and giving, to myself or others
Grace: to show gratitude, be appreciative and grateful for positives
Humour: to laugh easily, to see and appreciate the funny side, even laugh at yourself
Modesty: to be content in my own achievements
Commitment: to be completely dedicated to a person, belief or cause.
Independence: to be self-supportive of my mind body and soul
Faithful: to listen to and respect my beliefs, , and choose my own way of doing things 
Intimacy: to be open, unashamedly share myself emotionally or physically in relationships 
Kindness: to be kind, compassionate,and caring in word, thought and deed
Patience: to wait with calmness and understanding
Persistence: to carry on stubbornly despite challenges.
Respect: to have manners and a non-judgemental awareness of the needs and beliefs of others
Responsibility: to be responsible, answerable and accountable for my actions
Romance: to show and emotionally express love or strong affection 
Safety: to both feel and be protected
Financial security: to have enough resources to meet the ongoing needs of yourself and family without requiring assistance. 
Insightful: to be aware of my own thoughts, feelings and actions.
Sensuality: to enjoy and explore stimulation of the senses.
Sincerity: to be free of deceit, pretense, hypocrisy or falsity
Spirituality: to feel and demonstrate a connection with an idea or energy greater than me. 
Skilfulness: to sustain effort in practice to improve my skills, and demonstrate those skills well.
Encouraging: to be emotionally, verbally or physically supportive, positive, helpful, encouraging of others without reference to ourselves.

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